We Systemize Cleaning for Multi-Unit Hosts

Having worked with hosts & management companies with multiple units, here are some common issues you may face: 

Shortage of knowledgeable and reliable turn over partners

A business runs best when everybody feels a part of it. Save yourself the time and overhead and stop juggling around with smaller cleaning vendors. Start fresh with RefreshCo, and know with every new unit, we’ve got you covered.

Payments and communication spread across multiple platforms when you have multiple partners

Multiple partners mean communicating, paying, and waiting for invoices from different platforms. Working with RefreshCo means not having to worry about multiple invoices because we automate your payments. 

Your units quality is determined by individual players, not a team

Having one trusted person sounds great in the beginning but your company relies on one single person. Relying on one single person is close to none. Why rely on one when you could rely on some? RefreshCo is your team of trusted cleaners. 

Working with RefreshCo and refreshing your systems will benefit you in the following ways:  

Easily Scale Up 

Working with RefreshCo means using our cleaning professionals for your units, not hiring out overbooked independent cleaners. 

Increase quality & ensure 5 star guest experience 

With our proven training system for our cleaning pros, requiring photos at the end of every cleaning and seamless checklists is how we increase the quality and ensure a 5 star standardized experience for every turnover. 

One central location for your units 

Visibility on the status of your properties is necessary to succeed in this industry. RefreshCo provides one place to view the status and condition of your properties. 

Email: info@refreshcoatl.com

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